New Americans Initiative - Citizenship
Updated 07-30-24

The New Americans Initiative (NAI) is a joint collaboration between the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR), Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS), and 50 community organizations across Illinois.
Since 2005, the NAI has assisted low-income immigrant families with citizenship information & education, interview preparation, application processing, and citizenship scholarships for eligible Illinois residents.
Contact an NAI partner organization if you’re interested in applying for U.S. citizenship:
You can also find an NAI partner
organization near you by using the map.
NAI Calendar
NAI partner organizations have in-house legal clinics and citizenship workshops throughout the year to assist community members applying for citizenship and/or DACA.
Check out upcoming citizenship and/or DACA events hosted by our NAI partners:
ICIRR Citizenship Scholarship
ICIRR has a limited amount of funds specifically to cover the USCIS fees for N-400/N-600 applicants in need.
USCIS Fees will be covered fully at $725 for N-400 and $1,170 for N-600
USCIS Fees will be covered partially at $405 for N-400
ICIRR Citizenship Scholarship Applications Are Currently Open
To qualify for the citizenship scholarship, applicants:
Must be eligible for naturalization
Must submit their N-400 or N-600 application through an NAI partner organization
Cannot be eligible for the USCIS Fee Waiver**
Need to submit proof of income to be considered for the scholarship
Must live in the state of Illinois
**Applicants who are found eligible for reduced filing fee will be covered at $405 for N-400
Citizenship Scholarship
If a client makes less than the 150% Level, they qualify for the USCIS fee waiver, therefore they don't qualify for the ICIRR Citizenship Scholarship
If a client makes between 150% and 200% poverty level, they qualify for the USCIS partial fee waiver, and they qualify for the partial ICIRR Citizenship Scholarship at $405
If a client makes between 200% poverty level and 100% Area Median Income Limits, they qualify for the full ICIRR Citizenship Scholarship
**N-600 Applicants must be above 150% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines to qualify for our Scholarship.

Scholarships are subject to availability and are on a first-come-first-served basis.
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