Our Programs and Services
ICIRR works with many member organizations on various programs and campaigns that empower the immigrant community in Illinois.

The Immigrant Health Access Initiative (IHAI) is part of ICIRR’s immigrant integration portfolio. IHAI launched in 2011 to build capacity at immigrant serving organizations to aid implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The Initiative combines active community education, capacity building, and coordinated policy and advocacy with our members. Our goal is to build the foundation for successful immigrant participation in the health care systems in Illinois.
The New Americans Democracy Project is a non-partisan citizen voter registration, education, and mobilization campaign aimed at engaging and building power for the immigrant community.
Plan, Prepare, and Educate- Through the IL is Ready round table service providers are able to remain up to date with current changes in immigration law and policies.
Leaders in Cicero and Berwyn are organizing to make sure their community has access to the health care services they deserve!
Immigrant Family Resource Program (IFRP)
The Immigrant Family Resource Program (IFRP) is a contract between immigrant-serving organizations in Illinois, The Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, and the Illinois Department of Human Services to support immigrant access to public benefits.
Dedicated to providing equal access to health and safety-net services for immigrants and refugees
Connecting families with reliable and immediate information, referrals to legal, ministry, and social services.
Promoting civic engagement through United States Citizenship.
Helping immigrant and refugee students navigate and access higher education in the United States